Sunday, May 31, 2009

Journal 1, May 31

In this article posted on Government Tech, Ohio based company Hyland Software, Inc. and Westlake City Schools(which is the school district located right outside of downtown Cleveland ) have started an initiative called the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)program. Initially, the program was a grant-based initiative targeted toward middle school students to encourage development in the fields of focus within the grant and provide real-world experience before graduation. However, the newest initiative was a database creation project proposed by Hyland that would involve high school students. Therefore, the project, which will involve eight high school students at Westlake High School, and will give the opportunity for the participants to create an add-on system to the current OnBase management system that will automate the process of creation and distribution of meeting information and minutes. OnBase, which is an enterprise content management system is currently integrated throughout the school system in various forms and has created better efficient operations for the school district.
Students will have the opportunity to work hands-on and become highly involved in project management, system analysis, and experience in tracking business processes for assessment in order to create better efficiency within an organization.
OnBase, currently a software with numerous awards including 2009 NeOSA Best Software Product, OnBase has been integrated into the Westlake School District since 2002. The software The brainchild of the software, Hyland Software, Inc., is the largest software company in Northeast Ohio and specializes in document and information management softwares. While the school superintendent and Dan Keenan and Mayor Dennis Clough have been building relationships with Hyland since deciding on using the software to create better efficiencies within the school district, the relationship developed into an educational partnership through the extension of the STEM grant in 2008.

Allowing students to get a hands-on opportunity to create something and channel intellectual and creative energy through these efforts, Hyland is viewed as a business firm that truly is displaying corporate responsibility and willingness to contribute back to its community.

I am pleased to see that corporations in these fields are taking opportunities to insert knowledge into the future technological leaders of tomorrow. It will take more than just our school system, but continued partnerships as these to keep the next generation competitive in this growing global community of knowledge and innovation. We are cultivating the next leaders, CEO's, government officials, and revolutionary innovators. Companies like Hyland seem to see that it very important to expose our future leaders to the challendges of the real world as well as give opportunities to release the infinite potential our youth have to face these problems head-on.


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